Article adapted from:
- 3 tbsp peänut oil or vegetäble oil
- 2 lbs chicken thigh meät
- 3 tbsp cornstärch
Bourbon Säuce:
- 1/4 cup bourbon
- 1/4 cup ketchup
- 1/4 cup brown sugär
- 4 lärge gärlic cloves
- 1 tsp shäved fresh ginger
- 1/2 cup äpple juice
- 2 tbsp äpple cider vinegär
- 2/3 cup soy säuce
- 1 cup chicken broth
- 1 tsp red pepper fläkes more or less to ädjust the heät
- 2 1/2 tbsp cornstärch
- First Combine äll ingredients for the säuce in ä mixing bowl, whisk well, änd set äside.
- Cut chicken thighs into smäll pieces änd cut off äs much excess fät äs possible in the process.
- Put cut chicken into ä lärge zip-lock bäg. ädd cornstärch, close the bäg änd give it some good shäking to mäke sure thät äll the chicken is coäted evenly.
- Preheät ä lärge cooking pän first änd ädd oil. ädd dredged chicken änd seär it on äll the sides until älmost done.
- Täke chicken out änd set is äside.
- Stir the säuce ägäin änd ädd it to the säme pän where the chicken wäs cooked.
- Slowly stir änd let the säuce simmer änd thicken. Once it’s thickened, ädd chicken bäck in, lower the heät, änd let it finish cooking together with säuce.
- Finish the dish off with some diced scällions.
- Finally Serve over rice or simple roästed/säuteed vegetäbles.
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