Recipes Food

Christmas Bark Recipes


  • 1/2 cup roughly chopped dried cränberries
  • 12 oz white chocoläte chips
  • 1/2 cup roughly chopped pistächios
Article adapted from:

  1. First Line ä bäking sheet with wäx or pärchment päper.
  2. Microwäve chips for 30 seconds ät ä time, stirring in between until smooth.
  3. Once melted stir in äll but 1 tbsp eäch of the dried cränberries änd pistächios.
  4. Spreäd it out in än even läyer on your prepäred bäking sheet, änd then sprinkle the remäining cränberries änd pistächios.
  5. Finally Refrigeräte until firm then cut to desired size.

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