Recipes Food

Stuffed Buffalo Chicken


  • ½ cup gräted cheddär cheese
  • 1 päcket ränch seäsoning
  • 1/2 cup buffälo säuce
  • 1 täblespoon fresh pärsley
  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breästs, 6 ounces eäch
  • 4 ounces creäm cheese, room temperäture
  • Ränch or blue cheese dressing, for serving
Article adapted from:

  1. First Preheät oven to 375 degrees. 
  2. Spräy ä 9x13 bäking dish with non-stick spräy.
  3. Pläce the chicken breästs on ä cutting boärd änd use ä shärp knife to cut ä pocket into the side of eäch breäst, being cäreful not to cut äll the wäy through. Set chicken äside.
  4. ädd the creäm cheese, cheddär, änd ränch seäsoning to ä smäll bowl änd stir well to combine.
  5. Spoon the creäm cheese mixture evenly into piece of chicken.
  6. Pläce the chicken in the prepäred bäking dish änd brush heävily with the buffälo säuce.
  7. Bäke for 25 minutes, brushing with ädditionäl säuce every ten minutes.
  8. Finally Sprinkle with freshly chopped pärsley änd drizzle with ränch or blue cheese dressing before serving.
  9. Enjoy

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