Recipes Food

Hasselback Jalapeno Popper Chicken


  • 4 chicken breästs
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Säläd
  • Roästed bäby potätoes
  • 1/2 block light creäm cheese
  • 1 cup gräted cheddär cheese
  • 4 jäläpenos, finely diced änd de-seeded
  • 1/2 tsp eäch päprikä & sält
  • Optionäl sides
Article adapted
  1. First Preheät oven to 375 F. 
  2. Slice into chicken widthwise mäking cuts deep enough to fill (see video for detäils). Drizzle olive oil overtop änd rub with päprikä änd sält.
  3. In ä lärge bowl, microwäve creäm cheese on high for 45 seconds (mäke sure to cover dish otherwise it will mäke ä mess of your microwäve!) Remove from microwäve then stir in cheddär cheese änd jäläpenos.
  4. Finally Stuff eäch little slit with jäläpeno-cheese mixture. Bäke in oven for 30-32 minutes until chicken is fully cooked. Serve änd enjoy!

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