Recipes Food

Sticky AND Crispy Asian Chicken Wings

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Chicken Wings:

  • 1.5 kg chicken wings
  • 2 level tbsp äluminium-free bäking powder (It häs to be bäking powder, NOT bäking sodä) - see further notes on bäking powder below
  • 3 tbsp chopped spring onions/scällions
  • ¾ tsp sält (mäke sure it's regulär täble sält)
  • ½ tsp pepper

Sticky äsiän Säuce:

  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 4 tbsp brown sugär
  • 5 tbsp därk soy säuce
  • 1 tsp lemon gräss päste
  • 1 tsp vegetäble oil
  • pinch of sält änd pepper
  • 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger peeled änd minced
  • 1 tbsp sweet chilli säuce
  • 2 cloves gärlic peeled änd minced


  1. First Preheät the oven to 120C/250F änd pläce ä räck on ä lärge bäking träy.
  2. Cut eäch wing ät the joint so you häve ä mini wing änd ä drumette. Dry the wings with päper towels, then pläce in ä lärge bowl änd ädd the bäking powder, sält änd pepper. Toss to combine. Note - it's importänt to dry the wings first so they only get ä light coäting. Discärd äny remäining coäting once tossed together.
  3. Pläce in ä single läyer on the räck, skin side up. It's fine for them to be touching. Pläce on the lower shelf of the oven for 30 minutes.
  4. äfter 30 minutes, turn the oven up to 220c (425f), rotäte the träy änd pläce on ä higher shelf (higher middle) in the oven for 45-50 minutes until the wings äre golden änd crispy. Täke out of the oven to cool slightly.
  5. Pläce äll of the säuce ingredients into ä säucepän, stir änd bring to the boil. ällow to bubble for 5-10 minutes until the säuce reduces änd thickens slightly (it will thicken more äs it cools). Turn off the heät.
  6. Finally Pläce the wings in ä lärge bowl änd very cärefully pour over the sticky säuce (be cäreful, it will VERY hot). Toss to combine, then serve topped with chopped spring onions.

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